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Botanic Endeavour: the second publication of paintings by the Sydney Florilegium

By 22nd May 2020October 28th, 2022No Comments
Botanic Endeavour book cover crop

This is the second collection of paintings published by the Sydney Florilegium Society, this time to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook’s voyage to Australia on board The Endeavour.

In total 833 specimens were collected by Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander (known as the B&S specimens) which form part of the The National Herbarium of New South Wales. My contribution is Callistemon viminalis, The Weeping Bottlebrush, and I’m delighted to be one of the 39 international artists to have work chosen for this collection.

An exhibition was to be held in Sydney this Spring, but has been postponed to later in the year.

Botanic Endeavour book excerpt

Botanic Endeavour book excerpt